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Upcoming Appearances
with Amanda Downum, Andrea Hairston, David Moles, Jedediah Berry, Sophia Babai, and Sunny Moraine
Friday, July 12th, at 11am EDT - Blue Hills
Group Reading
with Karen Meisner (moderator), Amal El-Mohtar, Noah Beit-Aharon, and Kate Nepveu
Friday, July 12th, at 1pm EDT - Salon 4
Building upon the conversation started by Guest of Honor Amal El-Mohtar's essay "Sour Milk and Bitter Herbs" and the introduction to it, this panel will discuss how the establishment (and maintenance) of the state of Israel at the cost of Palestinian freedom has impacted the panelists' writing as well as their lives, both historically and in light of the current war. Audience members will be asked to submit any questions for the Q&A session on either Discord or paper, to allow for more considered moderation.
Friday, July 12th, at 6pm EDT - Salon C
with many, many writers
Friday, July 12th, at 10:15pm EDT - Salon 3At the Friday night Meet the Pros(e) party, program participants are assigned to tables with a roughly equal number of conferencegoers and other participants, and then table placements are scrambled at regular intervals so that everyone gets to meet a new set of people in a small-group setting. Think of it as a low-key sort of speed dating where you need never be the sole focus of anyone's attention, and the goal is just to get to know some cool Readerconnish people.
with Gillian Daniels (moderator), Graham Sleight, Karl Schroeder, Kate Nepveu, and Yves Meynard
Sunday, July 14th, at 12pm EDT - Salon B
Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb series is dense with allusion, mystery, heartbreak, ever-more-unreliable narrators, and terrible jokes. Let's share our favorite characters and moments, point out telling details we were excited to discover, and speculate wildly about what might happen in Alecto the Ninth.
with Katherine Crighton (moderator), Andrea Kriz, Tom Greene, and Trisha J, Woodridge
Sunay, July 14th, at 2pm EDT - Salon 4Besides the obvious cosplay connections (flowing robes! Funny hats!), academia and fandom both prize the ability of participants to expostulate upon a variety of topics, often impromptu and orally. Watch our panelists defend academic theses they've picked out of a hat ("The Reification of Martyrdom in [Pokemon]" "Confronting Bias through Teaching the Works of [Hayao Miyazaki]") while offering learned critiques of each others' attempts.
Stay tuned for more planned events! If you haven't already, sign up here for occasional updates and announcements so you never miss an event (or click the pen at the top right of the page)!
Past Appearances
with Jennifer R. Povey, Brick, Leigha McReynolds, and Malka Older
Friday, December 17th, at 7pm EDT - Orphan Black, a show following the struggles of a group of clone sisters, was a great show with a small audience. This panel will celebrate its themes, science, and characterizations. Just don't talk about Clone Club...
with Marie Brennan, Gregory A. Wilson, Humza Kazmi, and Aaron M. Roth
Saturday, December 18th, at 4pm EDT - Random elements are a design tool used in many video game plots and progressions, whether it be procedurally generated enemies or quests, or large-scale reordering of the game logic. There are similar, but different, dynamics in tabletop role-playing games' use of dice and random generation tables. Why does randomness in game progression work? What are the consequences when it doesn't? How do random plots change the way players experience agency in the game?
with Katherine Crighton
Sunday, December 19th,10-10:50am EDT - Capitol Room
Sunday, December 19th,11:30am EDT - Autographs 1
August 23rd, at 6 pm PDT - Benjamin Rosenbaum in conversation with Cory Doctorow on The Unraveling!
August 13th, at 3 pm EDT - Come celebrate 2021 book debuts (The Unraveling, On Fragile Waves) with mini-readings and Q&As! Also, snacks! ...No, not actually snacks. We would have snacks if we were with you, but then we would be breathing on you, so just imagine the extremely delicious snacks!
Academic Talk: "Doctor Who as the Wandering Jew"
Of all the great twentieth-century SF/F media franchises, "Doctor Who" has some of the least visible Jewish representation on-screen, but the show has deep Jewish roots (via its creators Sydney Newman...
The Best Science Fiction Books To Read This Summer

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